Thursday, 3 January 2013

The end is near - Sort of

Hi guys, it has been a while but to be honest the house looks pretty much the same as it did 3 months ago!

Happy New Year - Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas a great start to 2013!

So, progress on our house:

We have made our 2nd last payment on the house - The Fitting & Fixing Stage!

The outside of the house has now been completed - rendered & painted, though looking at the house on close inspection, there seems to be quite a number of flaws; where the corners of where the walls join havent been rendered. They connected the downpipe before completing the rendering, thus not rendering behind it and standing side on, you can see the concrete behind it? Strange I know..

It also looks like our panels have been rained on whilst the paint was still wet and there are water marks down the majority of them which is quite disappointing but will be rectified im sure.. (?)

Other than that, our tiling has almost been completed. The cupboards and benchtops installed and kitchen sink installed (and loving it!)

The house has been completely painted and I have to say that I am loving the walls and ceiling the same colour (Dulux Lexicon White) though you cannot tell looking at it!

Our electrical allowances have been cut out but nothing installed yet so will be exciting to see everything starting to come together..

There is still quite alot of work to do:

Staining the timber doors

And they aim to have this done by the end of January, early Feb to be able to present the house, completed, to us at the end of Feb/early March... Times a ticking!!

Latest photo of our place as of Dec 2012

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